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Monday, August 20, 2012

Fat Reduction Exercises for Thighs Butt and Stomach

Fat reduction exercises for the stomach, butt and thighs involve cardio and weight training. By doing weight training, you will build muscle which raises your resting metabolic rate and increases your caloric expenditure when you are not moving. Take advantage of compound exercises that work more than one muscle at a time. Use the weight of your body for your exercises.


Running causes hip flexion and extension while burning significant calories. Hip flexion causes your thigh to move toward your stomach--and hip extension causes your thigh to move backward. These motions work the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes simultaneously. The glutes are the butt muscles. To increase the caloric expenditure while running, mix in periods of sprinting and hill running.

Stair Climbing

Stair climbing works your glutes, quads and legs and it is also a type of cardiovascular exercise that burns significant calories. Either use a stair climber machine or run up and down actual steps to do this type of exercise. Being that you have to step vertically, the glutes and thighs get taxed extra hard.


Spinning is cardio exercise performed on an upright exercise bike. The glutes and thighs get taxed while using the spin bike, and you also have to forcefully contract your abs. To increase the recruitment on your abs, turn up the resistance and stand while pedaling.

Bicycle Crunch

Bicycle crunches are body weight exercises that have nothing to do with an actual bicycle. They work the upper abs, lower abs, obliques and thighs all at the same time from a face-up position on the floor. The obliques are on the sides of the stomach. To do these, lift your legs, bend your knees and hips 90 degrees and place your hands on the sides of your head. Raise your shoulders forward and alternate moving your opposite elbows and knees toward each in a steady motion while extending one leg. Even though these are not considered cardiovascular exercises, they still raise your heart rate. The longer you do them, the more calories you will burn.

Mountain Climber

Mountain climbers, also known as low runs, work your abs, thighs and shoulders at the same time. These also get your heart rate elevated. After placing your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor, position your legs under your body in a staggered stance. Quickly move them back and forth in an alternating fashion. For a variation, move your knees toward your opposite elbows every time you pull them forward. This will place more emphasis on your obliques.

Lunge Jumps

Lunge jumps are plyometric exercises which are performed in an explosive motion. Not only do they work the glutes, thighs and abs, but they also burn significant calories due to their intensity. While standing with your legs in a staggered stance, lower yourself down by bending your knees and jump in the air as high as possible. Quickly switch your legs in the air, land softly on the balls of your feet and repeat. Every time you jump, change your leg position and extend your arms straight above your head.

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