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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

5 Types of Posures

Gradual posture shifts begin as the paraspinal muscles, which are responsible for supporting the spine, become shortened and inflexible in certain places and lengthened and weak in other places. There are many factors that help create postural abnormalities, but most often it is lack of proper exercise that is the main contributing factor in bad posture.


Spinal lordosis is an excessive curvature of the lower lumbar spine. It is frequently found in dancers, pregnant women, gymnasts and obese individuals. People who suffer from lordosis usually have tight hamstrings, weak glutes, tight inner hip flexors and a tight lower back. Exercises that open the hip flexors, strengthen the core and stretch the lower back help correct lordosis.


Kyphosis is the most common postural abnormality and is frequently found in people who work at the computer for a living, extremely tall people, obese women and women with larger breasts. It is a pronounced curvature of the upper thoracic spine, which is usually easily treatable with exercises and stretching. However, if left untreated it can result in a permanent deformity of the spine known as a hunch back. Exercises that open the pectoral muscles and the intercostal muscles and that strengthen the upper back will help correct kyphosis.

Flat Back Posture

Flat back posture is usually found in people who have overworked their abdominal muscles, usually in pursuit of six-pack abs, causing them to be tight and rigid. This posture reflects a lack of mobility in the lower lumbar spine and a posterior tilt of the pelvis. It usually results in tight hamstrings and weak hip flexors and can be corrected with exercises that stretch the abdominal muscles, strengthen the hip flexors and open the low back and hamstrings.

Sway Back Posture

This posture is a combination of kyphosis and flat back posture, characterized by a pronounced curvature of the upper thoracic spine as well as the flexion of the lower lumbar spine and posterior tilt of the pelvis common to flat back posture. This posture is common among teenage girls. It results in short upper abdominals and weak lower abdominals, short hamstrings, weak hip flexors, tight pectoral muscles and weak upper back muscles.


Scoliosis is a lateral curve of the spine that can be found in either the lower lumbar spine, the upper thoracic spine or both. Scoliosis is often hereditary and affects approximately 2 percent of the population. It is a serious spinal condition that can be degenerative and cause major heath problems. Scoliosis is treatable, but treatment programs depend on the individual and should always be conducted by a health-care professional.

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