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Monday, August 27, 2012

What Not to Wear While Running

1 What Not to Wear While Running

Running seems simple enough — just slip on your sneaks and go. But if you wear the wrong gear, it could result in some major issues that sideline you. I’m talking about blisters, chaffing, shin splints, and back pain. Whether running two miles or 12, check out these suggestions so you know what not to wear when heading out for a run.

Cotton, Thong, V-String, Lace, or Cheeky Undies

2 What Not to Wear While Running

Issues: Skip the sexy, lacy, skimpy pairs that have bows or ties on them since the fabric rubbing against your skin is sure to cause chafing. If you prefer thongs to prevent unsightly pantie lines, think of the alternative — thongs and v-strings can cause UTIs or other infections. Cotton is a great breathable material, but it’s one to avoid when running since it gets heavy when wet and doesn’t dry quickly.

Do wear: Stay comfortable and dry with some full coverage wicking undies like these from Isis.

Cotton Socks

3 What Not to Wear While Running

Issues: Socks made of cotton or those made for everyday wear can’t hold up to the demands of an intense run. When your feet get hot and sweaty, the wetness can cause some pretty nasty blisters.

Do wear: Splurge on some thin wicking socks made specifically for workouts. I’m a fan of ones made by Darn Tough, Smartwool, Thorlo, and Teko. It’s better to go with styles that cover your ankle so you don’t have to worry about your socks slipping into your sneaker.

Cute Sneaks

4 What Not to Wear While Running

Issues: Sneakers that look great with jeans are not what you want to slip on for a run. Everyday sneakers offer minimal support, cushioning, and traction. The same goes for shoes designed for walking, basketball, cross-training, or hiking.

Do wear: When buying sneakers, look at brands and styles specifically designed for runners. Professionals at running stores will be able to suggest shoes based on the width of your foot, pronation, how much you run, the surface you run on, and where your foot strikes. A perfect fitting sneaker can help prevent shin splints, knee pain, and blisters.

Low Intensity Sports Bras

5 What Not to Wear While Running

Issues: Even if you’re rather flat-chested, a low intensity sports bra or a top that has a shelf-bra attached isn’t going to offer your ladies the support they need. The extra jiggle is not only distracting, it can cause breast injury and back pain.

Do wear: Find a supportive sports bra that’s designed for your size and for high intensity workouts. Look for ones made of moisture-wicking seamless fabric to prevent irritation. If you love tops with shelf-bras attached, be sure to wear a supportive sports bra underneath.

Shirts With Seams

6 What Not to Wear While Running

Issues: The constant rubbing of your inner arms against the protruding seams on the sides of your top are bound to cause irritation.

Do wear: Seams are usually found on less expensive fitness tops or ones that aren’t made for running (like yoga tanks). Treat yourself to a few running seamless tops. I prefer ones without shelf-bras such as the Lululemon Cool Racerback.

Fleece Jacket

7 What Not to Wear While Running

Issues: A fleece might be a great layer if you’re doing light hiking in cold weather, but it’s not the best layer for Winter running, especially if it’s snowing. As you warm up, you’ll overheat in a fleece jacket, start to sweat, and will actually become cold from staying wet. Plus the fleece material will get soaked if there’s any precipitation.

Do wear: Go for a vest, a long-sleeved merino wool layer or on cold, snowy days, layer on a breathable wind-resistant and waterproof softshell like this one from Patagonia.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Shilpa shetty's 15 minutes of yoga

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7 Tips to a Flat Stomach in 7 Days!

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Shilpa Shetty Yoga Part 2

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Bipasha Basu - Love Yourself - Fitness 5

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Bipasha Basu - Love Yourself - Fitness 4

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Bipasha Basu - Love Yourself - Fitness 3

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Bipasha Basu - Love Yourself - Fitness 2

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Best Exercises for lower abs

I Always wanted to have the best lower abs possible, and now I'm always looking for something new to add to my “Best Exercises for Lower Abs” list. Once they’re on my list, I add them to my routine, and see how they work (or whine if they don’t). If you’re ab-crazy like me, keep reading! Here are 3of my best exercises for lower abs… enjoy!
A pushup, done correctly, is the world’s perfect exercise. It can work out your arms, back, core, lower Abs, chest, and legs, all in one fluid up and down motion. Aim for three sets of twenty-five properly-done pushups, and enjoy firmer lower abs, and everything else!
2. Windmills:
These are fun, and not nearly as difficult as some of these other best exercises for lower abs. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your hips. Now bend, twisting so your right fingers graze your left toes, stand back up, then twist so your left fingers touch your right toes. Repeat until you’ve done three sets of 20-25. Head rush! Tight abs!

Just a Quick Note: Read our Archive Posts or Just Click on a One of the Lables to View all the Articles related to the Category you are looking for. ;)

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3. Leg Raise.
Lie flat on your back on a mat, with your arms at your sides, then raise your legs, together, about ten inches off the floor. Leave them there, raised, for 30 seconds, or as long as you can, then slowly lower them back to the ground. Repeat, so you’ve done a set of three. shaky legs! But this is one of the best exercises for lower abs, too. And you can see our previous exercise of Leg Raise ;)
Follow the links to see my previous posts about Pushup & leg Raises .. so you can read in more details how to do them.
Guys & Girls .. we would love to hear about your own lower ab exercises so we can add them to our list ;)

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Fast Quick Flat Ab Exercises

In the words of one woman: "I don't care why it happens, but just am happy it does."
Yep, we said coregasm. It's an orgasm some women can have when doing certain abs & tummy exercises. Experts say that this wacky core-induced climax could be due to a number of factors: the tightening of pelvic muscles, the build up of tension and even nerve impulses. Explanation aside, we figure it's worth trying ... what do you think ??? ;)
*NOTE: These ab moves are just suggestions--we can't guarantee you a coregasm, but these exercises have been proven to work for a lot of women, Why not making the exercises more Interesting ... and something to always look for !.

Here you are the exercises:

1.Hanging Straight-Leg Raise:

Targeting the lower abs, Hang from a pullup bar with your hands shoulder-width apart and your hips centered under your body so there's a straight line from your hands to the bottom of your hips (A). Keeping your legs and back straight and using a slow, controlled motion, raise your legs until they're parallel to the floor (B). Slowly lower your legs. That's one rep. Do four to six. Feeling extra Barnumesque? Try to raise your feet above 90 degrees (C).

Perfect Form As you raise your legs, don't swing them or let momentum do the work. Concentrate on keeping your butt down, as if you're sitting on a chair.

2.Hanging Side Crunches 

Hang from the bar, holding it with your palms facing forward, and bring your knees up so that your thighs and torso form a 90-degree angle (A). Next, pinch at your left side, curling your left hip up toward your left shoulder (B). Use your core to keep yourself from swinging, and repeat to the right. Continue alternating sides for 20 reps. This is one of Cummings' favorite moves because it strengthens your entire core. It's really hard to get the very sides of your abs, she says, and you really need these muscles for everything you do — even walking. To make it easier, use a machine that allows your elbows and arms to support your body weight, or use straps on the chin-up bar to add support.

Just a Quick Note: Read our Archive Posts or Just Click on a One of the Lables to View all the Articles related to the Category you are looking for. ;)


3. Single-Leg Plank (One leg Bridge)

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms over your chest and raise the lower half of your right leg until it's in line with your left thigh (A). Press your left foot into the floor and contract your glutes as you lift your torso so it's in line with your thighs (B). Hold. Rest for one minute, then repeat, raising the opposite leg.

Works abs, hips, and glutes
Week 1
Hold each move until your fatigue level reaches 9 (your arms are about to give out) on a scale of 1 to 10. Do one rep of each move, noting your time. Rest for one minute between moves.
Week 2
Add four seconds to your times from Week 1. Do one full circuit, resting for one minute between moves.
Week 3
Add one second to your times from Week 2. Do two full circuits, resting for one minute between moves.
Week 4
Add four seconds to your times from Week 3. Do two full circuits, resting for one minute between moves.
Week 5
Add one second to your times from Week 4. Do three full circuits, resting for one minute between moves.

4.Arm Pull Over Straight-Leg Crunch

Grab a pair of 10- to 12-pound dumbbells and lie on your back with your arms behind you. Extend your legs at a 45-degree angle (A). Bring your arms up over your chest and lift your shoulders off the mat while raising your legs until they're perpendicular to the floor (B). Return to start (don't let your legs touch the floor). That's 1 rep.
Works upper back, abs, and hips

5. Medicine ball blast
Set an adjustable ab bench at a 45-degree angle. Lie down on it with your head toward the floor and hook your feet under the padded support bar. Hold a medicine ball at your chest as you lower yourself A. As you come up, chest-pass the ball straight up (B). Catch it at the top of the movement, then lower yourself and repeat.

We Hope you all enjoy your workouts, and Have an amazing Coregasmic fun and a Flat Stomach and a rocking body ;)
Tell Us if you ever had a corgasm while doing other exercises .... those were the most Common ones.

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Toned Butt and Thighs Exercise

You must have heard about the Lunge Exercise before ! ... it's an amazing exercise for toning up your thighs and your buttocks .
This exercise is easy and can be done during moving in the house from room to room .. it won't take 1 minute from your time .. and of course you can do it with other exercises while you are working out!
First Raise your hands up over your head Keep your arms straight and palms forward. (or you can just put them on your hips just like the picture) .

Pull your shoulder blades together. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Step forward with one leg, taking a slightly larger than normal step (if you are doing this at home .. careful from the furniture around you).
Keep the ball of your other foot on the ground and use it to help keep your balance.
The back knee must also be bent and lowers to 1-inch from the ground.
Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground.
Keep your upper body upright and your low back flat.
Push with your front leg to return to the starting position.
You can do this exercise for like 12 times .. and increasing it gradually as you get used to it ... and you can just do it while you are walking inside your house ...
if you have any problems with your knees you need to be careful, and ask your physician  about it (or your doctor).
Enjoy it ;)
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5 Types of Posures

Gradual posture shifts begin as the paraspinal muscles, which are responsible for supporting the spine, become shortened and inflexible in certain places and lengthened and weak in other places. There are many factors that help create postural abnormalities, but most often it is lack of proper exercise that is the main contributing factor in bad posture.


Spinal lordosis is an excessive curvature of the lower lumbar spine. It is frequently found in dancers, pregnant women, gymnasts and obese individuals. People who suffer from lordosis usually have tight hamstrings, weak glutes, tight inner hip flexors and a tight lower back. Exercises that open the hip flexors, strengthen the core and stretch the lower back help correct lordosis.


Kyphosis is the most common postural abnormality and is frequently found in people who work at the computer for a living, extremely tall people, obese women and women with larger breasts. It is a pronounced curvature of the upper thoracic spine, which is usually easily treatable with exercises and stretching. However, if left untreated it can result in a permanent deformity of the spine known as a hunch back. Exercises that open the pectoral muscles and the intercostal muscles and that strengthen the upper back will help correct kyphosis.

Flat Back Posture

Flat back posture is usually found in people who have overworked their abdominal muscles, usually in pursuit of six-pack abs, causing them to be tight and rigid. This posture reflects a lack of mobility in the lower lumbar spine and a posterior tilt of the pelvis. It usually results in tight hamstrings and weak hip flexors and can be corrected with exercises that stretch the abdominal muscles, strengthen the hip flexors and open the low back and hamstrings.

Sway Back Posture

This posture is a combination of kyphosis and flat back posture, characterized by a pronounced curvature of the upper thoracic spine as well as the flexion of the lower lumbar spine and posterior tilt of the pelvis common to flat back posture. This posture is common among teenage girls. It results in short upper abdominals and weak lower abdominals, short hamstrings, weak hip flexors, tight pectoral muscles and weak upper back muscles.


Scoliosis is a lateral curve of the spine that can be found in either the lower lumbar spine, the upper thoracic spine or both. Scoliosis is often hereditary and affects approximately 2 percent of the population. It is a serious spinal condition that can be degenerative and cause major heath problems. Scoliosis is treatable, but treatment programs depend on the individual and should always be conducted by a health-care professional.

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Easy 45-Minutes 4 Fat Burning Workouts

Exercising is a great way to increase your metabolism and get rid of your body fat. This is because during an exercise, your muscles work harder and need more energy to keep up the exercise intensity. Fat is a major energy source for your body and thus, during an exercise, your body begins to break down your body's fat stores for energy. Fat-burning exercise does not need to be a constant pace, aerobic exercise you do five times a week. A well-designed workout that unites strength training and aerobic conditioning is a great way to increase your metabolism and fat-burning. Do the workout described here two to three times a week and eat a healthy diet for optimal results.

Heart Rate and Fat-Burning

Your exercise heart rate changes according to your exercise intensity. As a general rule, when your exercise at moderate intensity your heart rate is between 60 to 70 percent of maximum. This is called the fat-burning zone. You might have heard that exercising in this zone is optimal to burn fat for energy. However, there are two sides to this statement. Although most of the calories you burn come from burning fat, you will not burn as many calories as you would when exercising at higher intensity. In addition, high-intensity exercise keeps your metabolism higher for a longer time after the exercise is over; thus, you will burn more calories and fat, even at rest. The 45-minute workout described below will make your heart rate alternate between 60 to 90 percent of maximum for increased calorie-burning.

Sprint Interval Training

Sprint interval training, or SIT, is an exercise form that unites short but very high-intensity sprints with longer, low-to-moderate-intensity intervals. SIT improves your glycogen and lipid metabolism and can give you results in considerably shorter amount of time than typical endurance training. A study published in the "Journal of Physiology" in January 2008 showed that SIT exercise elicited similar adaptations in skeletal muscle metabolism as moderate-intensity exercise, but took less time. You can use SIT for any of your typical aerobic exercise routines, including running, bicycling, swimming, skiing and walking. The 45-minute exercise described below is based on interval training and will spike up your intensity and heart rate for short durations.

20-Minute Aerobic Blast

This 45-minute interval exercise will make you burn fat during and after the workout. In addition, you will strengthen your muscles and improve your cardiovascular and respiratory system. Do the first part of your 45-minute fat-burning exercise on a treadmill or elliptical. Start with a five-minute warm-up at low intensity. For the next 15 minutes, alternate between moderate-intensity and very high-intensity intervals. Do a two-minute, moderate-intensity interval and a 30-to-60-second, high-intensity interval at close to maximum effort. You can increase your intensity by running faster, or increase resistance by raising your incline. Follow your heart rate throughout the exercise. Try to raise your heart rate 80 to 90 percent of maximum during your high-intensity sprints.

25-Minute Strength Training Blast

Take a few minutes break and drink water before moving to the second part of your fat-burning workout. Do the following ten exercises back-to-back at a fast pace without taking any breaks: lunges, push-ups, squats, bench presses, shoulder presses, abdominal crunches, biceps curls, jumping jacks, triceps curls and sit-ups. Perform an exercise as many times you can in 60 seconds and then move immediately to the next exercise. After the 10-minute workout, take a short break, drink water and repeat one more time. Your heart rate should remain between 60 to 80 percent of maximum throughout the workout. Stop or lower your intensity if you start feel lightheaded or dizzy during the exercise. Pick weights that allow you to do the moves at a fast pace but still give resistance to your muscles.

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4 Ways to Flex Obliques

Obliques typically refer to a group of two muscle sections, the external obliques and the internal obliques. The external oblique is a thin, broad muscle that stretches across either side of the abdomen. The internal oblique is located directly below the external, its fibers running nearly perpendicular. In most humans, fat deposits cover the oblique muscles, rendering them invisible. With dramatic fat loss and muscle toning, you can make your obliques visible. Flexing the obliques will aid in toning them and increasing their definition.

Locating Obliques and Learning to Flex Them

Flexing the obliques is not always as easy as it sounds, even if you know where they are located. Engage your abdominal region and suck your belly button in toward your spine. You should feel a contraction in the muscles across the front of your stomach. Hold this contraction and slowly bend to the right side, pulling your ribcage toward your hipbone. The flexion you feel across the right side of your abdomen is your obliques. Practice this to either side until flexing your obliques comes natural.

Flexing Obliques Without Moving

Sit in a chair with your back straight or stand with your feet hip width apart, shoulders back. Gently repeat the flexion that pulls your ribcage toward your hips, allowing as little movement as possible. Repeat this, flexing the right side, then the left, for about 30 seconds. Stop the back-and-forth flexion and rest a moment. Flex the obliques on the right side of your torso as though you will continue the back-and-forth flexion. However, this time, do not allow your torso to move, flexing the obliques only as much as your immobile abdomen allows. Practice in front of a mirror to ensure your abdomen is not moving. You might notice the side of your stomach pulling in or straightening as you flex; this is caused by the tightening affect the muscles have on the waistline.

When to Flex Obliques

Once the flexion comes natural to your muscle memory, you can do it anywhere. Any time you are sitting or standing, you can flex your obliquees, such as while waiting in line at the grocery store, talking on the phone, making breakfast or working at your desk. Flexing your obliques is a light isometric exercise that will help tone and strengthen the muscles. In addition, flexing them intentionally during an oblique exercise will make it more effective and will burn more calories.

Exercises to Target Obliques

Exercising your obliques can build mass, increase strength and allow you to flex the muscle group easily. Side dips, trunk twists, twisting crunches, side planks, knee-ups and many other exercises will tone the obliques over time. Before beginning any exercises, consult a certified physical trainer or ask your physician to show you proper form. Executing the exercises improperly can be less effective or cause injury. In addition, speak with your physician about altering your diet to support increased physical activity.

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Best Exercises for Flat & Sexy Abs

Having flat abs makes you feel more confident and attractive. However, it also means that you are healthier, and it decreases your risk of heart disease, stroke and some forms of cancer. To ensure that your abs are always super sexy, perform two to three sets of 12 to 25 repetitions at least three times per week. Also, you will never see your hard work pay off without shedding the fatty layer over your abs with proper nutrition and cardio.


Lie on your back with hands extended overhead and legs straight. Lift your upper body while lifting your lower body, forming a "V." Try to reach your hands to meet your feet. Slowly lower back to starting position. This exercise can be a little difficult at first. If you cannot lift high enough to touch hands to feet, lift as high as you can. As your abdominals become stronger, your performance of this exercise will improve. This exercise works the rectus abdominis.

Weighted Crunch

Lying on your back with a weight, medicine ball or weight plate between your hands, lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Hold this position for two seconds, and return to starting position. To engage the arms in this exercise, simply press the weight or ball toward the ceiling as you crunch up and then lower it as you lower your shoulder blades. The muscle worked is the rectus abdominis.


Lying on your stomach with your hands and feet apart, lift your arms and legs simultaneously. Press your stomach in toward the ground and bow your back upward. The stronger and more flexible your lower back becomes, the higher you will be able to raise your hands and feet. Muscles worked are the spinal extensors. Do not attempt this exercise if you have a back injury.

Wood Chop with Medicine Ball

Stand with feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart and a medicine ball in your hands, lean to the right to touch the ball to the floor. Rise up and bring the ball across the body on a diagonal above your head on the left side. Continue through the desired number of repetitions and repeat on the opposite side. If you experience difficulty in reaching the floor with the ball, simply sink as low as possible. Primary muscles worked by this exercise are obliques, transverse and rectus abdominis.

Six Inches

Lying on your back with legs extended and hands to your sides or under hips, contract your abs and lift your feet to a height of 6 inches. Hold this contraction for a total of 30 to 90 seconds, and release to starting position. Placing the hands under the hips removes some strain from the lower back. To increase difficulty and engage your entire core, raise your head as you raise your feet.

Reverse Crunch

Lying on your back with your hands to your sides, bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. While contracting the abs, lift your hips off the ground. Hold the contraction for two seconds and return your feet to the floor. Ensure that the movement is initiated by the abs, being careful not to swing the legs. To make this exercise more difficult, strap on a pair of 2- to 5-lb. ankle weights. The primary muscle worked in this exercise is the rectus abdominis, with assistance from the transverse abdominis and the obliques.

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Best Exercises for Flat Abs

Tight abs with no extra jiggle is good for your self-confidence and your health. According to, excess fat around your middle may be an indication of a high level of visceral fat. Visceral fat is found deep inside the abdominal wall and surrounds your organs. A high percentage of visceral fat can lead to high blood-pressure, heart disease and diabetes. A healthy diet, daily cardiovascular exercise and ab exercises will help give you a sexier and healthier stomach.

Figure Eights

The figure eight exercise isolates your obliques, the muscles that form your waist. Begin this exercise sitting on a tall chair, with your feet on the floor. Sit upright with your shoulders over your hips, hold the end a scarf or towel in your right hand and place your left hand behind you. Reach your right hand up over your head and make a large figure eight as you bring it as far down to your left side as you can. Continue making figure eights from side to side for 8 to 10 repetitions, then switch sides and repeat with your left arm.

Stability Ball Knee Tuck

This advanced move engages the entire core for an intense abdominal workout. Begin lying prone on the stability ball with your hands and feet on the floor and relax your head, neck and shoulders. Engage your core and slowly walk your hands out in front of the ball as you lift your feet off of the floor. Roll up onto the ball until your thighs are on top. Hold this position and slowly pull the knees toward your chest rolling the ball to the tops of your feet. This movement should maintain control at all times. Hold at the chest for two to three seconds and then straighten the legs back. Repeat this exercise 10 to 12 times.

Belly Dance

Belly dancing is a fat-blasting cardiovascular exercise that engages your entire core for tummy toning. Belly dancing tones all the muscles in the core, notes Rania Androniki Bossonis, author of "Belly Dancing for Fitness." The rib slide is a basic belly dancing move that engages your obliques. Begin standing with your feet together and your hands on your hips. Move only your ribs to your left, then back to center and then to the right. Repeat this movement for 1 to 2 minutes. The camel engages the rectus abdominus and is a basic move in belly dancing. Begin this move standing with your feet together and slowly pull your arms behind you while you press your chest forward and tilting your tailbone back. Reverse the movement until your chest is concave and your shoulders and tailbone are tilting forward. Repeat this move for 1 to 2 minutes.

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Monday, August 20, 2012

Flexibility and Stretching Exercises

Flexibility Exercises

Flexibility or stretching exercises are important for maintaining the normal range of motion in the major joints of the body. Some exercises. such as running, can actually decrease flexibility because they require only a partial range of motion.

Like a good weight training program, a good stretching program includes exercises for all the manor muscle groups and joints of the body: nick, shoulders, back, hips, thighs, hamstrings and calves.

Proper Stretching Technique

Stretching should be performed statically. "Bouncing" (know as ballistic stretching) is dangerous and counterproductive. Stretching can be either active or passive. In active stretching, a muscle is stretched by a contraction of opposing muscles. In passive stretching, an outside force or resistance provided by yourself, a partner, gravity or a weight helps your joists move throughout their range of motion. You can achieve a greater range of motion and a more intense stretch using passive stretching, but there is a greater risk of injury. The safest and most convenient technique my be active static stretching with a passive assist. For example, you might do a seated stretch of your calf muscles both by contracting the muscles on the top of your shin and by grabbing your feet and pulling them toward you.

Intensity and Duration

For each exercise, stretch to point of tightness in the muscle and holdth position for 10-30 seconds. Rest for 30-60 seconds and then repeat, trying to stretch a bit farther, Relax and abreathe easily as you streth, You should feel a pleasant, mild stretch as you let the muscles relax; stretching should not be painful. Do at least 4 repetitions o ach exercise A complete flexibility workout suually takes about 20-30 minutes.

Increase your intensity gradually ove time. Improved flexibility takes many months to devlop. There are larnge individual differences in joint flexibility. Don't feel you have to compete with others during stretching workouts.


Do stretching exercises a minimum of 2-3 days per week. You may develop more flexibility if you do them after exercise, during your cool-down, becaus your muscle are warmer then and can be stretched further.

For specific Skills

The final component in your fitness program is learning the skills required for the sprots or activities in which you choose to participate. The first step in learning a new sill is getting help. Sports like tennis, golf, sailing and skiing require mastery of basic movements and techniques, so instructions from a qualified teacher can save you hours of frustration and increase your enjoyment of the sport. Skill is also important in conditioning activities such as jogging, swimming ans cycling.

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Fat Reduction Exercises for Thighs Butt and Stomach

Fat reduction exercises for the stomach, butt and thighs involve cardio and weight training. By doing weight training, you will build muscle which raises your resting metabolic rate and increases your caloric expenditure when you are not moving. Take advantage of compound exercises that work more than one muscle at a time. Use the weight of your body for your exercises.


Running causes hip flexion and extension while burning significant calories. Hip flexion causes your thigh to move toward your stomach--and hip extension causes your thigh to move backward. These motions work the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes simultaneously. The glutes are the butt muscles. To increase the caloric expenditure while running, mix in periods of sprinting and hill running.

Stair Climbing

Stair climbing works your glutes, quads and legs and it is also a type of cardiovascular exercise that burns significant calories. Either use a stair climber machine or run up and down actual steps to do this type of exercise. Being that you have to step vertically, the glutes and thighs get taxed extra hard.


Spinning is cardio exercise performed on an upright exercise bike. The glutes and thighs get taxed while using the spin bike, and you also have to forcefully contract your abs. To increase the recruitment on your abs, turn up the resistance and stand while pedaling.

Bicycle Crunch

Bicycle crunches are body weight exercises that have nothing to do with an actual bicycle. They work the upper abs, lower abs, obliques and thighs all at the same time from a face-up position on the floor. The obliques are on the sides of the stomach. To do these, lift your legs, bend your knees and hips 90 degrees and place your hands on the sides of your head. Raise your shoulders forward and alternate moving your opposite elbows and knees toward each in a steady motion while extending one leg. Even though these are not considered cardiovascular exercises, they still raise your heart rate. The longer you do them, the more calories you will burn.

Mountain Climber

Mountain climbers, also known as low runs, work your abs, thighs and shoulders at the same time. These also get your heart rate elevated. After placing your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor, position your legs under your body in a staggered stance. Quickly move them back and forth in an alternating fashion. For a variation, move your knees toward your opposite elbows every time you pull them forward. This will place more emphasis on your obliques.

Lunge Jumps

Lunge jumps are plyometric exercises which are performed in an explosive motion. Not only do they work the glutes, thighs and abs, but they also burn significant calories due to their intensity. While standing with your legs in a staggered stance, lower yourself down by bending your knees and jump in the air as high as possible. Quickly switch your legs in the air, land softly on the balls of your feet and repeat. Every time you jump, change your leg position and extend your arms straight above your head.

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Interesting Figures Regarding Obesity

Overweight and obesity are risk factors for dangerous diseases, ranging from diabetes, high blood pressure to impotence. For those who consider it excessive, the following figures will reveal how dangerous it had no body fat.
Interesting figures related to obesity as quoted by the Telegraph, Friday (28/01/2011) are:
7 years
Obesity is estimated to reduce life expectancy of someone up to an average of 7 years. This means that with a body mass index (BMI) an ideal, a person can live 7 years longer than if you are obese.
30 kg/m2
A person is categorized as obese if you have a BMI 30 kg/m2 or more. BMI is measured by the ratio between body weight and body surface area represented by the height.
444.5 kg
Some UK hospitals have a special ambulance to transport obese patients, with a maximum of 444.5 kg carrying capacity. Ambulances usually only capable of carrying patients weighing up to 124 kg.

136 grams
Milkshake is referred to as the most unhealthy beverages in the United States an average of 136 grams of fat in 1 cup size. The content of his energy to reach 2010 calories, equivalent to the average human needs in a day.
711 people
In 2008, a restaurant in Pennsylvania ever to challenge visitors to spend the Belly Bruiser, a burger giant containing 6.8 kg of beef, 1.4 kg of cheese and 30,000 calories. A total of 711 contestants tried to eat it but failed, before finally a man named Brad Sciullo can finish within 4 hours 39 minutes.
21.3 kg
A cat is maintained by the residents of Queensland, Australia recorded as the fattest cat with a weight of 21.3 kg. Himmy this cat named Guinness had held the record before finally repealed to avoid the possibility of cat owners deliberately let his name go to fatten pet Guinness.

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Exercise Tips that No Harm Heart

Several cases of people died after heavy exercise such as football, tennis, and badminton makes some people afraid to do the sport. The problem is not on the branch the exercise, but because it is too forced exercise on body condition was not ready.
"What should be remembered not as a branch sport, but it sports achievements or fun can contain a fatal danger to health if done when the body is not ready physically and mentally," said Dr. Michael Triangto, SpKO, Sports Medicine Specialist.
According to Dr. Michael, all kind of sports risks to health, the most frequently such injuries, broken or torn tendon in the muscle, even fatal can cause a stroke or heart attack. But because most do not cause death, it is not too worried.

"But that does not mean I ban people for a workout or frighten. Sports equipment needed by the body, provided that person is ready physically and mentally, and not to impose sporting exceeds 100 percent of his body," said Dr Michael.
Dr Michael said most people who suffered injuries or a health problem during exercise is because his body was not ready physically and mentally. Moreover, when the previous person already has health problems, such as hypertension or high cholesterol, but never checked through check-up.
In addition, untrained laymen who usually are often forced me to do competitive sports or strenuous exercise capacity exceeded 100 percent of his body.
"Push yourself with heavy exercise exceeds 100 percent of the body's ability to harm the organs in the body, including the heart. To that end, should also consider what sports and how the ability of our bodies," said Dr Michael.
According to Dr. Michael, regardless of age of a person when he has the physical and mental readiness, it is not problematic even when doing strenuous exercise. But if you force yourself to do vigorous exercise when the body is not ready, physically might be able to accept it, but not with your heart.
To avoid health problems during exercise, Dr. Michael gives some tips on healthy and safe, namely:
1. Check the pulse rate before exercise
Should check blood pressure (tension) before excercise. But for the layman can check the pulse at the wrist or neck. Normal pulse rate is 60-90 beats per minute.
When the pulse rate is above or below that number, you should not force yourself to exercise, especially vigorous exercise. The pulse is below or above normal indicates that your body is in excellent condition.
2. No dizziness when moving from squatting to standing
If you feel dizzy when changing body position while squatting to standing, meaning the heart no longer pumps blood to the fullest. In these conditions also do not force yourself to exercise heavily.
3. Do not force yourself when you first exercise
"Note the ability of the body; do not do sports more than 100 percent of the body's ability. The heart must be trained regularly and continuously, at least 3 times a week. If you have not exercise, then do not push yourself to competitive sports such as football should chase the score. Do it gradually as he viewed the complaint, "said Dr Michael.

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4 Effective Exercise Lose Weight

Cardiovascular exercise or exercise that stimulates the heart rate, respiration and blood vessels is one effective way if you want to lose weight. Excerpted from the LIVESTRONG, you should do exercise at least 45 minutes, six days a week (for optimal results.)
Appropriate exercise will produce a more beautiful body and shape, as well as burn excess calories and fat. What an effective cardiovascular exercise to lose weight? Here is the type:
1. Run
Running is one of the best cardiovascular activities to lose weight. People with body weight 68 kg can burn 893 calories per hour by running eight minutes per mile. While running for 10 minutes per mile can burn about 731 calories. But running is not necessarily suitable for everyone, especially those who have problems with disorientation and sensitive to loud sports activities.
2. Aerobic
Sport is also an effective way to lose weight because it can burn excess calories as well as beautify the shape hips and thighs. People with body weight 68 kg can burn about 357 calories through aerobic exercise for an hour. But the results can vary, depending on how high the activities you do when aerobics.

3. Bicycle
People with a weight of 68 kg can burn between 560 to 850 calories per hour, with cycling about 15 to 18 miles per hour. Cycling is a sport to lose weight that almost everyone can do as little likely cause injury to the muscle. Cycling can be done alone or in groups. Hold a small races around the streets surrounding the complex for more the spirit of cycling activities.
4. Swim
Swimming is also one effective exercise to burn calories, and less likely to cause injury to the hinge. Water sports are also very good for the whole body as it makes nearly all the muscles of the body work while swimming. Person weighing 70 kg can burn calories between 497 and 523, depending on style pool and speed.
Note: important to consult your medical condition with your doctor before exercising.

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Laugh Benefit Equal to Exercise

Laugh for the health properties have no doubt. Laughter is known to relieve pain and reduce stress, strengthen social ties and enhance the immune system response.

Recent research has shown that laughter can actually be a form of exercise. Some findings regarding gelotology, branch of science that studies about the laughs, shows that laughter can produce some positive effects are the same as exercising.

In one study, researchers asked 300 volunteers to watch a sad movie video titled 'Saving Private Ryan' and comedy. The findings suggest that an increase in 30-40 percent of the diameter of the coronary arteries while watching funny than when watching a movie thriller.

Dilation of blood vessels that occurs is similar to that experienced by the body when undergoing exercise. When berolaharga and laughing, there was a variety of important processes that help the body regulate blood flow and reduce inflammation.

"Previous studies have shown that mental stress causes blood vessels to constrict," said researcher Dr. Michael Miller, Professor of Medicine of the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore.

When study participants watched a sad movie, blood in response unhealthy called vasoconstriction and reduced blood flow. This finding confirms previous studies showing no link between stress and the narrowing of blood vessels. But after watching a funny movie, lining the blood vessels expand.

Currently, there is a type of yoga also incorporates elements of laughter, which combines laughter with breathing techniques. This method is increasingly popular and much demand. Nevertheless, laughing still can not be categorized as a sport. Other studies have shown that exercise should be done seriously to see the real effect on the muscle.

In order to maintain health, do regular cardio exercise for 30 minutes 4-5 times per week. But do not forget to keep laughing. Research shows that laughter can be an effective closer with strangers and make new friends. And increasing social support adds meaning friend who proved to improve health.

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Always Required For Healthy Body

Each person must have longed for a healthy body and strong, so free from disease. To get a healthy body there are four things to watch. What is it?

Many people who regretted his life when his health deteriorates with age, so as not to feel sorry later on there are steps that need to be done to keep the body healthy and able to maintain the quality of life.

The following things should be done to a healthy body, namely:

1. Healthy Food

To stay healthy, fit body requires nutrients that provide enough calories, vitamins, minerals and fiber so that someone in top shape. This fits the nutrients to be healthy and balanced, including grains, fruits and vegetables.

Subsequently required a varied diet in the sense that contains various kinds of food with all the nutrients your body needs.

2. Sport

Exercise can save someone's life and improve quality of life at her age. Many people think sport should be severe, painful and strong, but it's not true at all.

According to Harvard Medical School's Harvard Health Publication, excercise to health is to use large muscle groups in the normal manner but repetitive. Physical activity and healthy diets provide enormous health benefits.

3. Peace of Mind

Feelings of anxiety, stress, phobias, fear and worry can affect health, because it can drain energy and disruptive activities. Required intake of vitamin B complex, especially pantothenic acid that plays an important role in the production of anti-stress hormones.

4. Get a Good Night's Sleep

Normal sleep cycle involves four distinct phases to allow the body is slowly getting to go deeper. According to the Mayo Clinic, sleep disorders can have a deep effect on the health and life, like so tired during the day, prone to accidents. It is important to get a good night's sleep to keep the body fit and healthy again.

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Good Nutrition Consumed Before Jogging

Morning exercise like jogging is good for maintaining health and awakens energy throughout the day. Before you go jogging, you should first fill the stomach with snacks, so do not experience cramps or weakness in the middle of the road.

Run or walk in the morning on an empty stomach can make you do not have the energy, while eating right before the run or eating too much can cause nausea or digestive problems. Eat at least one hour before exercise in the morning.

Following a good nutrition is consumed before a morning run:

1. Banana

Bananas offer a choice of fast food is easily digested before the morning run. Bananas provide the carbohydrates, magnesium and potassium are beneficial to runners.

Carbohydrates provide energy, while potassium and magnesium work against cramps and replace substances lost through sweating. High water content in the fruit also helps to overcome dehydration.

2. Bagel and Peanut Butter

Wheat bagels are a source of carbohydrate that works well as a meal before the morning run. Thin layer of peanut butter on a bagel can provide some protein to help you feel full. Stay away from too much butter fat can cause digestive problems.

3. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a healthy breakfast foods to fuel your morning run, providing carbohydrates and proteins. To sweeten the oatmeal, add fruit such as bananas. To save time, cook a big batch of oatmeal before. Heat in the microwave and then eat before your morning run, so you can go out faster.

4. Yogurt

All yogurts contain protein, but Greek yogurt contains more than usual. This is the right choice before a morning run to supply the body with carbohydrates. Mix plain yogurt with fresh fruit for a healthy choice.

5. Fluid

Hydration is a critical component to prepare for any activity. Drink plenty of water before a morning run to hydrate the body. Continue to drink water during exercise to maintain body hydration level.

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How to Tighten the Thigh and Buttocks

Having toned thighs and buttocks that can help boost confidence, achieve fitness and allows you to wear anything they want. How do I?
Thighs and buttocks are often a problem due to the accumulation of fat in the area. To tighten the two parts of the body may be done by burning excess body fat with cardiovascular exercise and build muscle with weight training.
Excess fat can hide muscle tone. Cardiovascular exercise such as walking, swimming, aerobics and cycling are performed 30 to 45 minutes a day to burn excess fat on the thighs and buttocks, as reported by LIVESTRONG.
In addition to burning fat in the thighs and buttocks, cardiovascular exercise can also increase the body's metabolic system, thus speeding up the burning of calories in the body that prevent the buildup of fat.
Exercises to tighten your thighs
Consists of quadriceps thigh muscle (quadriceps) and hamstring (rear thigh). When the muscles are tight, then the legs will look slim. Build muscle mass in the thigh can be done with cardio and weight training exercises.
Squat is a fairly common practice and is also a very effective movement to tighten the thigh. This exercise is done by standing half-squat with feet and hips widened.

Pile weight on your heels, bend your knees and do the squat as low as possible or until the parallel to the floor, then return to standing position. Try to add weight to increase the challenge in the thigh muscle.
Exercises to tighten your buttocks
To tighten the buttocks, which need to be targeted are the gluteus muscles (muscles of the buttocks). One exercise you can do is bending the knee, with one foot stepping forward and then bends. This exercise can also be combined with lifting weights in hand. Perform this exercise two or three days a week for 30 to 40 minutes.
Other exercises that can tighten the buttocks is the gluten kickbacks, with such a position rests on all fours with two hands and one knee, while the other leg lifted up to form the letter L between the calf and knee. Repeat with opposite leg.

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Chest Exercises

Chest exercises: a list of the best video exercises to train your chest. Every pectoral exercise includes various visual angles and a video dedicated to breathing correctly while performing the movement.
Chest Training: The pectoral is a single large muscle that is unfortunately often erroneously divided into upper, lower, outer and inner pectorals. Conversely, these terms actually represent only areas of the great pectoral that can be additionally stimulated through targeted exercises that also work the entire muscle.
Pectoral Training for Women: Contrary to common belief, pectoral training for women cannot prevent relaxation of the breast. In fact, training the great pectoral means toning only the muscle located below the breast which is, on the other hand, made up of connective and glandular tissue.
Pectoral Anatomy: the great pectoral is shaped like a fan and it occupies most part of the thoracic wall. It allows moving your arm forward and sideways; it is therefore an adductor muscle.

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Best New Exercises for Women

The benefit: It targets the muscles of your rear end, which can help make your belly flatter.
The reason: When your gluts are weak—as they are in most women—the top of your pelvis tilts forward. This not only places stress on your lower back, but it causes your tummy to stick out—even if you don’t have an ounce of fat. Your fix: the hip raise.
How to do it: Lie on your back on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor [A]. Now brace your core, squeeze your glutes, and raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees [B]. Pause for 3 to 5 seconds—squeezing your glutes tightly the entire time—then lower back to the start. And click here for even more great no-weight exercises.

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Exercises for Back Pain

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Exercises for Pregnant Women

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stomach exercises to lose belly fat

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5 Thigh Toning Exercises at Your Desk

Keeping thighs toned can be done at your desk with thigh toning exercises. Exercising requires some effort, including taking time out of your day to work out. Taking time to workout every day may be a difficult task for some with a busy work schedule. The good news is that exercise can be done virtually anywhere, at any time. The key is to be creative when working with a limited amount of space, time and equipment. Here are 5 thigh toning exercises that you can try at your desk.

1. One-Legged Squat

Before performing this exercise, make sure your chair is stable and will not roll out from under you very easily. Sit with your buttocks towards the front half of the seat. Keep one foot planted on the floor, with the other leg slightly raised out in front. Keep your hands on the arm rest of the chair for support and balance. Slowly raise your buttocks off the chair about 6 inches, hold for one count, then slowly lower yourself back to starting position. Repeat this eight to 12 times, then repeat with the other leg. This will work all the major muscles in the thighs, as well as the gluteal muscles in the buttocks.

2. Leg Extensions

Sit upright on your chair with your hands resting on the chair for leverage. Straighten one leg out in front of you and contract your quadricep muscle as much as possible. Hold this static position for about three to five seconds, then lower back to starting position. Repeat this action between 12 to 20 times, then switch to the other leg. This is an exercise that can be repeated throughout the day at your desk without anyone ever noticing.

3. Thigh Muscle Static Contractions

Muscle strengthening and toning can actually be done without even moving the muscle at all. These are called isometric contractions, in which the muscle does not change length with its contraction. To perform this type of exercise, you would squeeze or contract a particular muscle with maximal exertion, and hold that position for a few seconds, then release. This works well to tone and strengthen muscles.

These can be done with all the muscles in the thighs. Begin by focusing on the inner thighs. Contract the inner thighs as much as you can, and hold it for 5 seconds. Relax and repeat between 12 to 20 times. Switch to the outer thigh muscles. Contract these muscles with maximal effort, and hold for a few seconds, and release. Continue this isometric contraction with the back of your thighs - or hamstrings. For your quadriceps muscles, straighten your legs out in front of you to perform these contractions. These exercises can be done periodically throughout the day at the office.

4. Hip Flexion

Sit upright in your chair with your hands on the arm rests for support. Bend one knee slightly so that it is a little more than 90 degrees. Slowly lift your leg up towards your body so that your knee is being driven towards your chest. Slowly lower your leg back to starting position. Perform 20 of these hip flexions on each leg. This exercise works the front of your hips and thighs, as well as your abdominal muscles, and can be done easily at your desk.

5. Inner Thigh Adduction

The inner thighs are a problem area for many women as they tend to be a spot where fatty tissue tends to deposit. Keep this area toned by squeezing the inner thigh muscles regularly. To perform an inner thigh press, use an object that can be squeezed, such as a rolled up towel or even your sweater. Place the object between your knees, and sit up straight with your abs tucked in. Squeeze the towel or sweater with full force, hold for a few seconds, then release. Repeat 20 times, for three sets for a great thigh workout at your desk!

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